Dear God,
There’s so much to fear right now that I’m sort of losing track of what to worry about most.
So I’m gonna need some help focusing.
Show me what is MINE to do.
Then grant me the strength to do it, and the humility to rest knowing it is enough.
Help me remember that even if there is more to worry about in life right now, it does not mean that there is less to love in life right now.
So protect every inch of our joy, Lord.
And if you could help me stop reading shit on the internet, that might really help too.
Hi Nadia,
I just finished reading a book about POW's in Vietnam. The two things that allowed them to survive were community and a code. This is the code we wrote:
Code of conduct
I am a beloved child of God. I have been given his grace and have been sent into the world to bring love, healing, and wholeness. I am ready to give up my need to ‘be right and in charge’ in order’ to further these aims.
I will never use strategies or tactics that bring more hate, harm, and separation into the world.
I will take no actions which will support hate, harm, or separation in the world. I will patiently teach and humbly listen to fellow beloved children engaged in the same quest. I will support others engaged in this work in every way possible.
Should I become overwhelmed or discouraged, I will reach out to others to be reminded of my connection to the community. If my fellow beloved children reach out to me in discouragement, I will patiently sit with them and hold them in their distress. Afterward, I will bring them to my heavenly father in prayer and do what seems fitting to restore their hope. When my wrongs are pointed out to me, I will humbly ask for forgiveness and seek to be reconciled with my fellow beloved child.
I will never forget that I am a beloved child of God, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to bringing love, healing, and wholeness into the world. I will trust in my Father and his son Jesus Christ.
Succinct and perfect 🤩
I’m going to write out my dream now. Focusing on engaging the goddess elements of life. Dreams, intuition, art, nature, animals, etc. as a conscious counterbalance to the dark negative male happening around us.