Dear God,
A year ago, I didn't know what we were all about to lose.
All those Sundays last February that I chose to skip church, I did not know that I would go so long without the Eucharist.
I did not know that hug I gave my parents, that meal out with friends, that concert ticket I passed on, would be the last one for a year or more.
Forgive me for complaining about my travel schedule in 2019. I was busy taking my entire life for granted.
Lord, why didn't I appreciate then what I long to have back now?
I like to think that when the things I long for return to me, that I will appreciate them more this time. But you and I both know that’s not likely. So today I am asking you to help me practice. Help me practice appreciating today what I may long to have back once the pandemic ends:
Slowness. So much time for cooking new soup recipes. Mornings spent, not on one more United Airlines flight, but with my beloved. The ability to watch 7 seasons of a TV show in one week.
Help me savor now what I will miss when it’s gone. Help me practice being the person today I regret not being in the past.
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I was told in my early 20's, I would be in a wheelchair in my 50's. I blithely said I would have great memories to enjoy. I do, but they don't seem to be enough now. Like you, in 2019, I wasn't present enough. Or I'm greedy and want more? I miss housework, changing bedclothes, prep for cooking, having a clean house, baking altar bread. I'm tired of being tired doing nothing, it's exhausting just sitting, I filled out paperwork for a doctor ( having a numb right hand and arm makes that a real bitch!) I'll never be truly physically functional again but you who are, cherish it even as you swear at it. One day, you'll miss it very much.
Lord help me get my "happy" back.
A year ago i did not know what would be lost, not did I know what I would gain.
The loss: My catering company for 13 years. Being voted number 1 for 2020 by the community. Very little income for almost 4 months.
The gain:
Time to work on myself.
Growing a closer relationship with the lord.
Being hire on the spot and starting the next morning.
Regained self confidence.
Increase of trust in people.
A mother figure that I have longed for.
More quality time with my wife.
Learning what it feels like working 40-45 hours a week and proper sleeping hours.
The awareness how working 60-80 hours a week, sometimes sleeping a couple hours at work and the stress effected my body and changing my personality.
The awareness of what was going to be lost by continuing my catering company.
Landing the perfect job, with the awareness that the experience owning my catering company prepared me for this position.
Being saved from hydroplaning into a power line pole. Walking away with a fractured ankle and a sprained ankle. Being healed to start my new job in time 2 weeks later.
Knowing the Lord, trusting God and listening to him more.