Give Us Good Courage
Dear God,
I’ve asked for so many things during this ridiculous pandemic: patience, forbearance, peace, safety, forgiveness, and a new season of the Great British Bake-Off.
But I’ve never asked for courage.
So, if courage is something you can give us more of, I think now would be a good time.
(Or maybe it doesn't work like that; maybe we don't get an extra measure of what we need only when we think to ask for it and ask nicely; like a second helping of gruel from the abusive guy who runs the orphanage.)
I’m asking for courage because I’ve tried ignoring my fear and that only works for like, 4 minutes. And I’ve tried resisting it but that seems to make my fear stronger like I’m its personal trainer.
So, give me courage, Lord, to show up in life despite the fear.
Courage to love, despite having been hurt.
Courage to heal, even though I sometimes love my wounds.
Courage to feel lonely and know it will not destroy me.
Courage to clean the kitchen.
Courage to trust that all I have needed, your hand hath already provided.
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courage to know when to speak humbly, and, more frequently and more importantly, to know to just STF up and not provide any more "wisdom".
courage to make the right decisions about my prostate cancer because I'm afraid