Thank you. This touched me in so many ways! All the mortal feelings. All the longing to belong. All the mom feelings. All the mom desire that wants her child to know that she believes in them and loves them even when she can’t express it well or all all. I’m 66. I’m a daughter, I’m a mom, I’m a spouse, I’m a grandma all rolled up in one. This touched my heart in each way. More ways that I know. Thank you for your honesty Abby. Thank you for the confession space and the blessing Nadia. May we all be blessed. 🥲

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I love this and was so moved when I heard you read it to Abby. What a powerful blessing with all the complexities of our humaness.( Is that a word? )

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Nadia—I’ve heard you as a speaker, preacher, radio guest, read some of your books; but this podcast was the first time I’ve heard you in pastor mode. I couldn’t really define the shift when you gave Abby this blessing; I guess it’s something like a pastor’s bedside manner. But it was really cool and I thought, “Oh yeah. She’s really good at that.” You do have the gift of healing listening.

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I listened to this podcast and your blessing took my breath away (I related to it). Thank you for posting it here so I can ‘see’ the words. ❤️

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Thank you for the beautiful blessing. I am 80 years old and still working through an evangelical upbringing. My mother told me she resented me when I was in my 50s. I was so stunned that I didn’t even ask why. Ultimately, I think I figured it out. But belonging has always been a longing of mine. I am grateful for this podcast. Grace and peace to all.

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That is absolutely beautiful.

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The blessing of belonging is simply gorgeous. <3

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Thank you so much. Brought tears to my eyes when I heard you read it aloud.

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It was beautiful the first time I heard it, and it resonates with love and grace now.

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Beautiful 🙏🏼

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Thank you Nadia for your beautiful, tender words that reach all the way back to the corners. I love you. 🥰

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Thank you so much for this blessing. It speaks to me so much as I have spent a lot of time wishing to belong, to be enough.

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Thank you for reminding me, even when I am crushed, broken, I belong.

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I learn so much when I read your posts. Many thanks.

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Beautiful and moving. Thank you so much.

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