Dec 31, 2023Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

I am working on removing the "shoulds" from my life. I will either do something or I won't. Feeling I should do something is too burdensome and crowds out space for joy.

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In other words, don’t ‘should’ on yourself. Always a wise move. 👍🏻😉

You’re absolutely right about it crowding out joy.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Thank you, Nadia. This is lovely. I wish the same for you. ❤️

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If I make it to June I'll be 74. That will almost certainly happen unless I get hit by a bus. I thank God every day for my good health and pray every day for my friend Shannon, who has so many health problems, and so can't participate in the band, and my friend Alicia, who can't seem to get it together to kick that abusive druggie boyfriend of hers out because sometimes he's OK and she thinks if she kicks him out he'll go back on drugs and it will be her fault.

The more he's around the more the boys have him as an example of manliness.

Jesus, have mercy.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Happy as possible new year to you and all of the Corners community as well! I love the idea that if the bar is low enough there is room to be grateful for so much more.

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What a sweet new year post ❤️

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Excellent...thank you Nadia. I would add one thing: Slow Down. Not a resolution to slow down; just slow down as you refill the water reservoir. Slow down as you walk to your car. Slow down as you climb the steps.

Take it in...realize...smile.

Live & Love

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Simplifying my life "out of generosity not resignation," Such a simple, beautiful thought. I simplified everything about this Christmas from the decorating to cooking, and it was so amazing to be in the moment with my family and not in the kitchen.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

Oh, what sweet wisdom to begin the year with. May you have joy, Nadia.

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Looking ahead to tomorrow, Leslie and I have been married five years, it seems just a few short months after being married we faced our war against cancer, Leslie made the choice for flat closure, with no reconstruction, in December in fact Dec 25th 2019, Leslie faced emergency surgery for her port becoming infected. But through it all and up to today, I am thankful for enough, for the bread, the cup to sustain us through this day, this our here and now moments. Thank you all

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Thank you for giving permission to be and enjoy!🥰

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“Expectations “ can cause lots of relationship trouble, can’t they? Also relationships with ourselves!❤️

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Love it...expectations set us up for disappointment, don’t they? It’s just so damn hard not to have any...especially of those who love us.

But I do love this. Low expectations set us up for great joy! Happy 2024 to all! 🎉

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Holy shit, that resonated with me! I am going to print this one and put it on my fridge. Thank-you, Nadia. I wish. you and the other readers, a happy as possible new year too. ❤️

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Going to use that as my greeting today and tomorrow to any of the “happy new year” greetings I receive. Happy as possible New year! It already feels more hopeful...thank you for (always) having the words to settle me down and offer perspective.

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I usually don't listen but today it was well worth it. Seemed so personal. Thank you! My little do it all girl inside me cringed at first thinking that I can't do that! I can't not make new resolutions! But as I listened to it all, a sweet calm came over me. I know I am deeply loved as I am and I can do healthy things for myself and if I don't I am still loved. I agree that we need to come at all of this pressure to be a new year new you with this attitude! We are loved as we are.

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It’s so hard not to have expectations, but it also frees you up to appreciate whatever comes your way no matter how small. Life is tough and wonderful at same time. HAPPY NEW YEAR !

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