Oct 24, 2022Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

The realization of how fragile our bodies and our lives are came to me suddenly like a bolt of lightning a couple weeks ago when my SUV was broadsided by another car and my car rolled over onto its roof! Miraculously—thanks to a buckled seatbelt and air bags—I had only minor injuries. I am still trying to make sense of what happened—and what does it mean for me going forward.

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by Nadia Bolz-Weber

That I too am a 2 rupee sinner, afraid, in need of grace...


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Think I might make this my status update ❤️

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I have a very good friend who is Ute (her sovereign Native tribal membership), who once came to visit me after surgery. As she sat with me and held my hand, she said, "Take heart, my friend; the elders have taught us, the healing is in the pain." Take good care of you.

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Strength and peace to you as you continue to heal.

As I was listening to the guest speaker, I was thinking about how sometimes that idea of "Thank God I'm not like other people" can creep into my mind. We sometimes hold ourselves above others. Yet, I find that the opposite also has a hold on my mind at times. I don't think that I'm better than others. I feel awkward and nervous in some situations because I'm convinced that I'm not as smart, not as beautiful, not as....whatever as all the others in the room. I'm messier than others. They eat everything perfectly, and I'm the weirdo who dumps spaghetti sauce on my shirt and accidentally flings a cherry tomato across the table. In certain situations, I constantly feel self conscious.

So, I think in God's grace and compassion, there is space for all of us. God brings me to this place of humbleness and compassion where I can prioritize truly connecting with people instead of always trying to convince them that I'm right.

God is with me when I'm struggling with imposter syndrome, when I'm convinced that I have flaws that no one else does. His love is there to silence those lies.

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Oct 24, 2022·edited Oct 24, 2022

Get well soon, Nadia. Sending healing wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery. Take it easy and take good care of yourself. I've got to listen to the sermon. I read through it, and fully admit that I'm a sinner blessed by the Grace of God.

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Hope you recover quickly from surgery. It does make a person realize our fragility and also our dependence on others in the healthcare field and in our "community" as we heal. I had a large brain tumor removed about a year ago and have had to re learn how to feed myself, write,walk (still a work in progress), etc. So hard physically, mentally, emotionally, but interestingly, not hard spiritually. I have a renewed awareness of Jesus' grace and mercy...despite being questioned in my church as to what sin must have brought about my illness. :) Our bodies fail but God can use those failings. Take care and pamper yourself!!!!!!!!!!

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Wonderful sermon by Winnie—thanks for sharing it!

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Everything about this post, all that you have shared is so cool. Reminds me right now to be joyful in God’s love and presence. Rev. Winnie Varghese’s message was amazing! Wow! So much to think about and live into.

“Friends, God sees you and does not compare you to anyone else.”

“Whatever this day may bring, thy name be praised” (Deitrich Bonhoeffer)

I watched and listed in amazement at the “Forgiveness Forum: Where Science and Spirituality Meet” Wednesday morning. The Holy Spirit was present. I took lots of notes and feel blessed and honored to have listened to every incredible Child of God on that welcoming, inclusive conversation. Thank you so much.

Hope your event Wednesday night went great.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God all Creatures here below,

Praise God above ye Heavenly Hosts,

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.


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Nadia, Thank you for sharing Winnie's sermon. What a powerful message. Advance question for your next "What I'm Into" post - do you have any theology podcasts that you particularly like? I listen frequently to Queen of the Sciences & Bible Project podcasts, but always looking for other recommendations. Any thoughts on Season 3 of The Confessional podcast? Thanks for all you do.

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There is this mirror in the sermon. But did You notice the second mirror, mirroring the mirrored image and then the first mirror repeating this on? And always I look to the image I see in the mirror with disgust and then see my disgust, ad infintum. I need grace. Amen.

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My dear friend whom I have never met...

Some years back, I opted for a sigmoidoscopy instead of getting knocked out. When I arrived, I found out that my female Resident was going to be doing the actual procedure of shoving a hose up my butt; and that there were 4 other miscellaneous people in the room... So much for any vanity/modesty I had left.

In 2009 I learned that I have 'a progressive, degenerative, neurological disorder from an unknown cause'. My sensory nerves disappear. Since there is no known cause, there is no known cure. It could be worse; a friend of mine, about the age of our daughter, has lymphoma. I don't yet know what kind or what Stage. That has no known cure, either.

There's a quotation about 'carrying our [something] in earthen vessels'. We are earthen vessels, easily broken.

I've been doing this medical crap for over 50 years. I no longer spend days in a darkened room with my head packed in Blue Ice for migraines. I think that was worse. Pain, as a memory, is hard to maintain.

No platitudes. I raised my kids, telling them that "life is hard; then you die". There was a lot of humor also.

the False Evidence Appearing Real is valid. Remember to Breathe.

Blessings, Marty

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The Anglican/Episcopal/Lutheran lectionary be praised! We on this sceptred isle did indeed have Luke 18:9-14 read out in church yesterday and today we have a Prime Minister in waiting whom precisely no-one voted for, not even his own party members. “all who exalt themselves will be humbled, but all who humble themselves will be exalted.”


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I am VERY glad to hear your surgery wasn't serious. Wishing you a quick recovery.

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Thank you for the sermon you shared. Glad “some clever person” put this into the Lectionary. 🥰 Hope you heal quickly.

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