My husband I woke, first thing saying, "Well, this is going to be quite a day, isn't it." Then first thing I sat down at my computer I read you. Thanks for helping pu things into a good perspective.

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Heavy Good Friday vibes...

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Nadia- Yes, you are in it with us. We do need to find healthy diversions that bring joy and a healthy focus. I pray that God will sweep the negatives and bitterness out of my head and mouth, so I can be positive about the gifts and beauty that still exists in our world. I guess that means rising above the ugly and aiming toward the blessings that He bestows.

Amen, Nadia and I am thinking of you today. One day at a time.... I may be able to manage that as we pray together for peace and all good.

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Vicki I hear what your saying but I don’t want to be diverted I want to learn to live what it the best I can. I know you likely feel the same way.

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Yes- I do mean that I want to live that way- on hard days like today, a healthy diversion can help me get there... Thank you!

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Thank you, Nadia. I’ve been fighting this overwhelming sense of dread that has me frozen. I’ve always felt like it was best to shine a light into the dark, but this is ridiculous. All we can do for the next four years is be our best loving, kind, accepting, giving selves. There is still so much good in the world

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Agree. Trying to get out of bed and make it a great day but I can’t seem to shake the dread.

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Maybe make fun cookies instead of healthier ones! 😉

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Thanking God that this is the first thing I read this morning. Thanking you Nadia for reminding me to change my perspective. FYI - I took part in an encouraging Zoom meeting last night hosted by Heather Cox Richardson and Red, Wine and Blue. It reminded me that we all can help support each other and make Good Trouble ( no matter how small our role)

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I read her reflection on heroes this morning, and that also helped as a balm to my soul. Lord, help me to be a human - scared, courageous, proud, humiliated - who chooses to do the right thing, especially in times when it is hardest to do. St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Emil Kapaun, early martyrs, all those whose blood was spilled in the name of tainted churches, and all the (S)saints who lived through times of darkness, be with us and pray for us.

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Thank You! For this prayer and who you are in the world. We all need these touchstones of goodness to keep us grounded in the goodness of the Divine alive in us.

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Thank you, I so needed this prayer this morning. With anxiety and depression I can get lost in my own mind. I am trying to open a soup kitchen in my little town but get overwhelmed by negative thoughts. If God has given this to me and it is mine to do for God, that I can do it and then rest when it is time to rest and work when it is time to work.

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rubuke those negative thoughts and open the kitchen! Have you read Sara Miles' book Take This Bread?

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Reading "Take This Bread" is what led me to reading your first book. Great suggestion.

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Wow, just read a portion. I've been removed from the church because of bullies. I so miss the Sacraments but have no where to celebrate (Anglican Priest). If I can't receive then all I can do is be a Sacrament and hope that brings peace.

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I will order it and read it. Thank you.

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Open the soup kitchen. Do the good work. 💜 it’s more important than ever.

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You said “I am trying to open a soup kitchen” - I hope it is a “we are”. Jesus send disciples out two by two, not alone. Prayers and wishes for you and your attempts to establish a foothold for good.

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May your work be blessed.

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Sure you can do it

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Blessings for your soup kitchen🙏🕊️

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I read this today by Scott Sauls

"in every time and season, God’s purposes will prevail, no matter who is in office

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Thank you, Nadia. We cannot allow ourselves to get sucked into the vortex of chaos, alternative facts, and meanness. The antidote is exactly what you call on us to do, through God. Choose to focus on light and love. As Dr. King stated, that’s what drives out the darkness.

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I keep calling it The Circus.

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It is a circus, and I never enjoyed going to one. Mostly because it made me really sad for the elephants.

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I’ve often imagine the impact of a million light workers march on Washington.✨💫🌟

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Snap me out of it…love that-thanks

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Today, I am finding it difficult to pray in words. Thank you for your words. At times like these when dread, hopelessness, fear and, I have to admit an overwheming animosity for another human being encroach on my soul, I sit in silence and let the groans of the of the Divine within me, the Holy Spirit, pray the prays I cannot put into words.

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Thank you for expressing what I am feeling.

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Today is also the first anniversary of my daughter's death. Thank you for this prayer. Plans for the day include NO TV, music, lunch with my son and daughter-in-law, knitting, and cooking. This prayer is the perfect start to my day. Amen, Amen, Amen.

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Unthinkable to lose a child. I’m so sorry. May those who loved her be a comfort to one another

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I lost my six year old daughter in a car crash that almost took the life of my then 10 year old son. I am glad you have chosen to lunch with your daughter’s brother and his wife. My son is now 30 and doing well. I raised him by myself. One was taken, and one was spared. Thanks be to God and good people. Peace, Dwight Lee Wolter, author of The Gospel of Loneliness (Pilgrim Press, UCC).

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I can't imagine losing a child. Prayers for you today Suzanne. For strength, positive memories, and love encompassing you from Jesus. You are God's child. You got this!

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Prayers for you and your family 🙏

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Amen! I am watching the brilliant red cardinals in the willow in my yard and listening to the beautiful song of a bird unseen. It is very cold and windy here and the birds are enjoying the feeders full of mealworms and oil sunflower seed. Caring for them is a favorite joy of mine! May we be present to what is worthy, notice the awe-inspiring goodness of God, and do as you say. I would add patting kitties and a sweet elderly bunny to your excellent list.

“Guide my attention to that which is worthy of it: making art, cooking food, loving people, noticing birds, petting dogs, contacting friends, and doing the work that is mine to do.”

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I just out bird seed in my window feeder. I’m going to enjoy natures coverage of today. ❤️

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Amen and Amen.

I'm focusing on MLK today and blacking out as much media as I can. This is a hard day. Thank you for sharing this simple prayer.

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I am reading the gospel according to James Baldwin today

His words and Dr King’s still resonate for everyone in these times

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Thank you Nadia for this timely meditation and reminder. As an enneagram 6 I can easily waste a lot of attention on imagined disasters. Feet on the ground and head in the clouds

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So grateful to wake up to this prayer this AM! It feels like a shield I can use to start each day with.

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Nadia, thank you for this prayer that is perfect for today!! I am getting together with some friends who want to meet for prayers on a regular basis going forward. I am going to share this prayer with them...it says it all.

Prayers and hugs,


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