Whoa! Again you share what I deeply need. Not having to pretend. God wanting our whole heart, no matter what. Thank you Nadia! I appreciate the work you do in yourself which allows you to share these words of grace with us.

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Beautiful. Thank you ♥️

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Your message really touched my heart and brought loving tears to my eyes. Thank you so much.

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Beautiful message! Love the poem(?) at the end, just what I needed this Ash Wednesday.

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I am Chris (Chaka) S’s mother-in-law ( well I’m the mom of his long time partner). I just have to say your posts keep me going and lift up my spirits during this dark, dark time…..I mean unbelievably, they get darker every day! I’m praying that ears will open as you travel & preach to those that need you. I am very thankful to have found you ( though Chris has been much too casual in reference to you or maybe, I just wasn’t listening) . Anyway, May God bless you and keep you safe. We will meet down the road. Keeping you in my heart, Sue

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I love that Chaka! Glad you’re here, Susan. Thanks for the note

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Ahhh, love this one!

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Finally got to see you live tonight in Louisville. Nadia, you have no idea how much you helped heal mine and my sister-in-law's souls tonight. The songs were like a healing balm and I don't think I'll ever forget the quote, "dominant power is not the same thing as Ultimate Power." Thank you 🙏❤️

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Thank you for being there! What a sweet night.

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It truly was. I started my prayer time today with, "Come, Come, Wherever You Are". I had never heard it before last night. I'll certainly be singing it for the rest of my life 🤘

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You nailed it. Amen and thank you!

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Oh my gosh, that was beautiful, Nadia - the perfect distillation of the love of truth.

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I always thought Lent was for remembering what a screw up you are. And somehow you give something up for awhile so God knows that you really do want to be better so She shouldn't give up on you yet.

Thank you for this.

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Amen and thank you.

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My husband has challenged me to write something every day through this Lenten season. The question that came to me over the past few days is: what do I believe? The answer, in its simplest (ha!) form is: God = Love.

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Bloody profound! Thank you! So many great lines!

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I'm older now and closer to death than I felt when I was in my twenties,that's for sure. I've been trying to lighten my load with the guilt I seem to carry over the choices I made at different times in my life...forgiveness towards others and for yourself...your words helped me to look at the human heart and the complete openness to encompass all of our individual "truths"...my mantra everyday has become a simple statement

Thank you God for your tender mercies .

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Simply, thank you.

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Beautiful Nadia! This was a direct message to me. Whole heartedness is something that is coming oh so slowly. I feel like my heart gets revealed a fragment here, a sliver there, and I bring them to God, and I offer them to my husband, and I receive them to myself. Continue my journey, and new pieces are revealed. Feel like Janis Joplin sometimes 😀. Thank you for this!

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