This episode alone of “The Corners” is why I support you financially. You go places this disabled senior citizen can never go, you touch people I can never touch. Somehow, though, I feel when I reach out my arm to touch you, my blessings flow from me to you to them. “Thank you” seems inadequate.

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This means the world to me. You have no idea. Thank you.

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I so much agree with this. I trust God to multiply my "loaves and fishes" through Nadia and bear fruit where I could never go.

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The inclusivity of the love of the God - Creator, Lover & Holy Spirit shared with ALL is overwhelming in your words. Thanks be to God and people like you who break open the meaning!

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Trying to read this out to my sister but can’t see properly because annoyingly I keep crying … the beauty of these words and the reassurance that however broken and self-punishing we may be, God has already blessed us and we need to take hold of that. Thankyou so much ….

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I couldn’t get through it without tears, either.

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Thank you Nadia. Just extraordinary writing. I just kept thinking "yes this! .......and this!......and this!" It resonates so deeply, and is exactly what we all need to hear. I am part of a Church of England parish, and I am always so desperate to talk about your postings with others there! You draw out the love that is the core of our faith. Thank you.

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Dear God, Nadia...thank you for spending your day with those imprisoned, and for sharing your experience and message with those of us who weren't there. I too grew up singing along with the original recording of Godspell and if I could figure out how to attend when these folks perform it in person I would be there! More importantly though, I want to share what you've written with a friend. A friend I first became acquainted with him when he was in his early teens, and a member of the youth group I served as 'youth director" many years ago. By the time he was sixteen he'd become an addict and committed his first of two murders. When I found him again he'd spent over 18 years in a max security prison in solitary confinement, and then God asked me to write him....and then later to visit him there...Who, ME, GOD???? Not me...squeaky clean me? I did visit, continued writing and now over 10 years later watch him serving God beautifully in his paroled life, a life that was never intended to be paroled and yet...God moves mountains sometimes. He is redeemed in ways I wouldn't have believed possible if I hadn't watched it happen. Truly THE SALT of the Earth. LIGHT. I am grateful for your ministry to me, Nadia, but more importantly to the people who would run to the Jordan to receive that baptism

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Beautiful, wonderful Nadia, if you never give another sermon, talk, exhortation (God forbid) your message today is everything the world, everyone (and selfishly I need, needed. Thank you, thank you for helping me be aware that my identity is with God…so go out and act like it. Thank you Nadia and please keep up your work. Sorry, one more thing, what bible version/interpretation do you quote.

Wishing you everything that is good, Bob kantner

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Thank you, Robert. I need those words some days...like when people ask when I will write another book, for instance. I have started to tell myself that if I never write another book it's ok. I mean, maybe I will at some point, but also maybe not. I use the NRSV

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I can hear the roar of applause, yells of praise and thunder of clapping in the Heavens! Another explanation of the profound Truth that is Christ in US ALL, our hope of glory! Thank you, Nadia; glory to the Holy Trinity: Father, Mother, Son...

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Ah! Amen and Amen. (I started to copy/paste sentences I needed to hear and to say amen to, but it became ridiculous. So, will skip that.)

Thank you for sharing this with us. Thank you for your work and your words. Thank you for being a lamp post for someone trying to figure out a new way to live in the world with faith that doesn’t fit like it used to but one I’m not ready to walk away from.

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Thank you. I needed to read this. Today was another in a string of low days. I felt that blessing and I thank you.

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"Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

One of my favourite bits. :) Nicely done piece!


the stone pillow

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thank you for sharing, it brought tears to my eyes, knowing that the participants in the project were "residents" of the facility. Their wisdom, their honesty, their willingness to share is an example for a lot of us on the "outside". Blessing to you and each of the creators of this amazing opportunity. Please tell them they were heard.

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Thank You, Thank You for these powerful words!

You and your ministry are a blessing to all of us.

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Wow! I think my heart just exploded! What a beautiful Liturgy, thank you Nadia!!! I am a lay speaker at my church, sometimes leading worship to help out our Pastor. Can I use this as an offering for worship sometime? I would give you full credit of course.

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you bet.

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Thank you! You're very gracious.

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This hit in a very visceral way I needed today. And I can just imagine how these powerful words of truth, the words from God, Holy Spirit words- change lives and hearts not on in prison but the prisons we create. Thank you sister. Honored to support your work in this world.

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Have already read this twice this morning and know it's going to be in regular rotation. I am so grateful for your beautiful spirit and words, Nadia. Thank you. ❤️

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I pray the God you so beautifully describe is my friend.

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