The Chapel.
Friends, I have been really amazed at the response to The Corners! But there is a limit to the meaningful connections that can be made via comment threads on a newsletter/blog.
And I really want to set a bigger table for us.
But where?
Here's the thought: I want to build our own private, social network called The Chapel—where we can meet each other, pray together, develop relationships, have great conversations, and most importantly get me out of the way of a helpful community being formed. (And all without a tech-giant selling our information or interrupting us with obnoxious ads.)
As we learned in The Social Dilemma documentary — If you're not paying for a product, you *ARE* the product. Facebook groups are great for connecting folks, but the platform is "free" because they use it to sell our attention and data to the highest bidder. In protest of that model, The Chapel will be funded through subscriptions—but as always—If a paid membership isn't right for you, I’ll happily give you free access. Really. Totally free for anyone in need. You are wanted here, no matter what.
The Corners will continue to be for my writing, but The Chapel is being born for connection and interaction.
I hope that you'll help me create a community of spiritual misfits who share a common love of grace, snark, compassion, mercy, pop-culture, and of course - God.
There is no need for us all to believe in the same things, except grace . . . we insist on grace for ourselves and others. Grace is so counter-cultural right now. If people are looking for places to one-up each other in piety or woke-ness or outrage, there are SO MANY places on the internet available for that. But this is not going to be one of them.
We're inviting you to help us make this idea better, so please let us know what you think!
Or copy this link and paste it into your browser:
Thank you so much!
I am so excited for this! I have been really wanting a community to help me and support me while I am trying to put spirituality back together. Churches are too hard and Facebook groups are...Facebook groups.
Ok, so I did the survey and then this morning, I thought of something else but I’m not sure it was in the original survey so I’m throwing it out here and if it is, sorry, but: Bible study. Like “The Idiots Guide to The Bible” type thing, and the reason? I’ve decided to spend my 40 days during Lent reading The Bible and I finished Matthew 25:14-30 and damn, can I use some discussion on it because the master totally pisses me off and I need help taking that one apart. Lol. I’m trying to look at it from a few different angles and looking stuff up on it but I’d personally like to sit and chat and get other people’s perspectives on some of the stuff I’m finally reading (because, growing up Byzantine Catholic, we never really read The Bible, to be honest).