Thanks. I needed that today. I'm old and invisible and now I have shingles and I can't make myself feel anything but crappy and crabby and tired. And in this world of f*%^ing "wellness" stuff that tries to convince me that I can fix myself if I only--fill in the blank---, it's good to know that Love holds me in, crabby and crappy and itchy and tired and invisible and old.

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“Wellness” stuff can be just one more bullshit scheme to sell us control of the uncontrollable.

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Your comments here truly touched me since I am old and am in the end stage of shingles recovery. Looking back, letting go and letting Love is what held me and lifts me out each day. I pray that you continue to shamelessly feel that Love.

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Thanks, Lucy.

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Hunter, I feel your pain! I’m rather hard headed about getting help when needed maybe if I have been smart and not so hard headed I wouldn’t be here with Covid trying this or that , but anywho, I stand with you!

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As an older woman (gah, senior citizen!) who went through double mastectomies in March, I needed to receive this perspective on a familiar text. I don’t really love my body anymore. This overweight body with a belly, veins showing themselves on my legs, hurt right leg, no chest, white hair, older facial features and all. I am the image of God!! So, I want to love my body; this image of God. Here’s to the change of heart to love my body right here, right now.

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Yes!! Image bearer.

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Amen my sister!!!

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I have not listened to anything even remotely to do with "the scriptures" in many months. And today... this saved me in many ways. Thank you, Nadia. Thank you.

- A lanky, tattooed lady with a very salty attitude

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“The endless depictions of God as a white guy aren’t just boring, they’re blasphemous in their narrow specificity. Because God’s image is seen and comprehended only in the mind blowing diversity of all human forms.” This is so powerful. Thank you for this reminder that whomever our ‘other’ or ‘those people’ are, they are also imago dei.

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Today’s mantra: my body is a chariot. Thank you, Nadia.

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I am lifted out by this beautiful sermon that shows all of us are the face of God.

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Beautiful sermon Nadia. I was so fortunate to hear this sermon in person at the wilderness service. Determined to make it even with my kids tow, when I saw you as the guest speaker I realized why god made me so determine to make it to the service. I was so touched by your message... sobriety, boundaries and our bodies being a record of all that has happened to us. This has been my journey and I'm so grateful to have you as a teacher. Much appreciation and gratitude.

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so glad you made it!

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Hi Nadia, Thank you for this beautiful sermon. I'd love to have a conversation with you about honoring trans bodies. There is a dear child in my life (best friend's child) going through the process of transitioning, thankfully with support from family and friends. At the same time, my denomination has just affirmed trans people's right to medical care, which is causing outrage among some in our congregation. SIGH. Maybe a Corners conversation? With love and gratitude for your ministry! Kathleen

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My goodness...whew! That sermon!!! As the fat kid...turned fat woman, despite being athletic and somewhat talented, I was always labeled fat, first and foremost in my mind...and most likely in the minds of many who have given me the once over before dismissing me. What a liberating view of this passage of scripture!!! For the first time in my life (at age 50) I have only recently (as in the past 2 months) began to actually walk tall, proud, with my shoulders back...to the point that I took notice of my own posture and swagger. You see, I was made for the Sistine Chapel ceiling...not 21st century society. But this...this helps. Each day is a process in healing...each day, I try to undo a little bit of what has been done, what I’ve been conditioned to think was wrong with me, what is projected onto me, what every new MLM diet plan says I should look like.

So thank you, Nadia, for helping to be that part in today’s healing process!!!!

Can’t wait to see you next Friday at WVU!!!

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Stand tall and come say hi!!!

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I sure will! I am almost finished editing my memoir...and a certain tatted preacher lady gets a nod in my acknowledgments 😊

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Nadia, thank you so much for this sermon. I preached it on Sunday in a way which felt both personal and stretching to my faith family. You spoke to me on a personal level, as one who has been seen as small in stature, was bullied from the time I enteres elementary school, had my shirt ripped open by a female classmate in tenth grade (in the Senior Boys locker hall) and have struggled to be confident in the body God gave me because of incessant teasing about my flat chest and my "disability" of being shorter than most. Thank you for reminding me that this is the body God CHOSE to give me. That I am the person God created with purpose and value and love. A person the story God is writing is necessary for that story to be complete. I pray that my preaching continues to teach others their value and the absolute necessity of their existence in a way that helps them recover the wholeness that was theirs from the moment they became part of God's dream. I love your work. Thank you.

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Thank you, Nadia, for this thought-provoking dive into the story of the woman that Jesus healed on the sabbath. Your description of the way that body-shame binds us is spot-on. Thank you for your reassuring reminders that our bodies, just the way they are, bear the image of God and are loved by God.

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I cry every frickin time I read your sermons. They make me wonder, feel, want to raise my hands in praise while sitting on the floor of my bathroom with the cat in my lap! I swear you were put on this earth just for me but that’s pretty damn selfish so I’ll just give thanks where it’s due ..to You, Her and Abounding Grace❤️

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"your body is not a curse, it is a chariot"

Thank you so much for these words--I became vision impaired 3 years ago, losing sight in one eye, and while I feel lucky at so much I still have and can do, I also have despairing moments, especially as my other eye has its share of problems. This really is a healing thought for me and so many others. Thank you so much again for your insights to this scripture.

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This is one of the first times I've talked about this openly to someone who doesn't know me. Thanks for your thoughts to give me that strength.

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Glad you’re here, Ed.

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I volunteer at a residential place for girls who are receiving counseling bc they might run away, cut, have been trafficked/harmed….I think this will be a remarkable sermon for them to hear. Thank you. I hope to share with them next week.

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Nadia. This is sublime, and thought-provoking. Our bodies, whatever our faith traditions, are miracles.

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What a profound sermon! I contemplated God ‘slipping’ into the human skin to be with us and how disconnected I am from my own body so often.

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