Nadia does not perform miracles??

Do you mind if I unpack that a little and offer some humble testimony? I grew up very secular, and basically happy until 11 years old. Then one day, my mother answered the door to some well-meaning strangers. Within 6 months, I wasn't allowed to hang out with any of my friends from school, celebrate any holidays including my own upcoming 12th birthday, and I was being told in 3 meetings a week that the world was about to end and I had to get right with God. At age 17, it was becoming increasingly clear to me that I was only attracted to men. My mother absolutely knew this on some level, but when I said it aloud, she kicked me out of the house 4 weeks before my senior year was to begin. My frustration with Christianity became an all-out contempt.

Flash forward, 20 years later, I discovered meth, and was acting out all of the shame and rage that had accumulated inside of me over the years. My death spiral of addiction lasted for about a year and a half. I was fortunate enough to be arrested and court ordered to attend CeDAR in Denver. There, after a brief meeting, my appointed chaplain gave me a copy of Pastrix. About 4 chapters in, while sitting under a GIANT 100 year old elm tree, I prayed "I can't do this alone God. Please, do your part and I will do mine." That day marked the beginning of 5+ years of sobriety and a renewed faith that sustains me daily.

I don't know if you perform miracles, but I would say you are, at the very least, walking with a force that can. Thank you.

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Well met.

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Wow Nadia, your sermons never fail to bring tears to my eyes because it is as if you have expressed something that I didn’t even know that I believed, and couldn’t have related in words even if I did know. I keep thinking, “how is this woman able to get into my soul ?”. Incidentally, l had one of those mustard seed necklaces when I was a child as well.

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I still have a charm containing a mustard seed on my charm bracelet from the 1960s that was given to me by my mother along with the verse about faith.

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Thank the Lord it is a low bar and all the good shit is on the bottom shelf.

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Amen, Nadia! This is far and away the most beautiful, creative, and powerful explanation of the mustard seed parable that I’ve ever heard.

Also, I wish someone smarter or more clever than I could make a meme from this:

“It’s like Jesus is saying how much faith do you have? and I’m like I don't know Jesus, it’s not very much it’s like barely any and Jesus is saying ‘perfect!’”

I will hear Jesus’ voice in my head saying “Perfect” each time I am in doubt.

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Yes! This line in her sermon will resonate with me for a long time!

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Thank you, Nadia. My faith gets shredded regularly. Someone I admire said as long as you are wrestling you are in contact. That Israel means wrestles with God. Again thanks.

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I love that at the end of that story, he walks with a limp. Everyone can he he wrestled with god.

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As if God made a mark! I love it.

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"God always puts all the best shit on the *bottom* shelf":

The Missus and I have been in northeast Florida visiting family for the last few weeks -- you know, the part of Florida which probably should've experienced Hurricane Ian something like southwest Florida did. But we didn't know we'd largely escape that experience earlier this week, so I went out to pick up some supplies to help get us through expected outages of one kind or another.

At Big Box Store X, back in the camping-supplies section (or whatever they call it), I found these great rechargeable lanterns. Not only did they have dimmer switches; not only could they be used to recharge *other* things (like cellphones)... they also had Bluetooth speakers which enable them to play audio when paired to a suitable source. Win-win-win!

The catch: they were on the bottom shelf of the glassed-in cabinet in which they were displayed. And that bottom shelf was so close to the shelf above that I could not get even one of the damned things out: they were blocked both by the metal lips of both shelves. I tried twisting them, turning them -- none of which worked because, of course, the straight up-and-down height of the boxes was shorter than the *diagonal* distances between catty-corners, so it was if anything even harder to get them out that way.

Finally, I got down on hands, I discovered that apparently some store clerk had been tasked with adding *more* lanterns to that shelf, been unable to do so for the same reason that I couldn't remove one, and simply stocked several lanterns LYING ON THEIR SIDES at the back of the shelf. And you better believe I grabbed one of those horizontal bad boys.

Something about the whole experience said to me, "There's a metaphor here. I just know there's a metaphor here..."

I think you've given me my metaphor. Thank you, Nadia!

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Your vision, your quirky wonderful vision of the Scriptures, helps me to see more possibilities in faith. It's all a mystery and sometimes I feel lost in it. But you send a human, vulnerable, out-of-the-box sermon out there to help me, and others, see and find some bearings in faith. Your humor is the best! Thank you! ❤️

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I so needed this right now. I have a confession. At times I feel envious of those who are so sure of God's will in there life because I feel like I mostly stumble my way through life hoping I am doing what God wants of me. I have prayed for God to increase my faith. Now I have a new prayer which I intend to incorporate in my morning devotion. Somewhere in one of my recovery books it talks about if we just crack open the door to belief, God does the rest to open fully.

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I also find myself jealous of those who are so certain, but that message from the literature in the rooms has been such a precious lighthouse for me as I continue stumbling through the dark. <3

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I have learned, in my old age, to be suspicious of anyone who claims to have all the answers. Who do they think they are? God?

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Thank you, Nadia, for making me cry, laugh (God needs heart emojis to keep loving us 😅 💖)and exhale with gratitude that faith is still at work in my life!

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First, thank you for this. I know that syllogism, the 'what a bunch of losers' subtext. Thank you for shining the light of grace upon it.

Second, please allow me to go off-topic. As you can see, I'm a dedicated night owl. One night last week, I was totally overdoing it, scrolling thru whatever on youtube to avoid dealing with my messy finances, when I ran across a video of Nadia and Science Mike. Huh? Who's Science Mike and why is he sharing a stage w/ Nadia? It's WAY too late and this video is WAY too long, but down I go another IRH (internet rabbit hole). And thank you yet again for pulling me up out of another hole, of my own making. One of your comments from years ago that I've held on to is that your greatest fear was being regarded as needy. Mine is incompetence, and dealing with matters financial can pull that up in a nanosecond. So grateful to you and Mike for reaching out to me from 3 years ago and reminding me of what matters. Blessings always.

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We were both very raw that day. And I'm sorta glad for it.

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Thanks so very much, as my wife and I journey in her war against cancer, fighting for disability, me asking for Father to open the windows of heaven and provide that I can free us from debt( my fault) again thanks so much

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Prayers with and for you and your family. <3

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Many many heart felt thanks!

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So, a reach, but is it kinda like faith when i am admiring a magnificent color streaked sunrise and i realize that God creates this each and every morning with or without me here to see it?

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that's FAITH for sure

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Thank you so much for this today, Nadia. I’m not in my most “faithful” of stages and it helps to realize it’s not a scale🙂

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I cannot figure out what I “believe” in-God feels like too much. I KNOW I have gratitude and I pray and ask for prayers. Thanks Nadia for allowing all of it and helping me in my limping faith ♥️

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I enjoy all your sermons, but this one really touched my heart. Thank you! Peg

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The "bottom shelf" line made me burst out laughing! Such a powerful conclusion to an already very important re-shuffling of this text for me. Thank you.

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Thanks Steve!

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