I recently listened to Tripp Fuller speak about faith. For some faith is based on beliefs and when those beliefs are challenged, people can become combative and violent. When faith is based in what you are doing, then you just don't let others opinions sway you from what you are doing. What you are doing is "feeding" your faith and often starving what may reduce your faith. I would add that when you're faith is growing (or when you are growing your faith) you very may well feel wobbly, just as you would after vigorously exercising.

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Steve, I'd add a couple of words to your reply: "...you very may well feel wobbly, just as you would after vigorously exercising" OR JUST LEARNING TO WALK.

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Feeling very wobbly right now, so your last sentence was reassuring. Thank you.

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This is so very life-affirming! Thank you!

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“Lord . . . remember me when You come in Your Kingdom.”

And this prayer that I pray for myself, I pray for others too. 💔🙏🏻✝️❤️

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My latest article of faith is in Jesus's prayer, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". It wasn't just for the crucifixion, it was a necessary, permanent intercession on behalf of humanity and the human condition.

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I repeat these words all the time.

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I genuinely appreciate knowing this, that there are people out their praying this for me (and everyone) who is among the "they" who do not know what we are doing.

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I guess I'm pondering what the purpose of faith is. Ugh, that sounds really boring and scientific. But when I think "my faith isn't very strong" I'm wondering what I want faith to do for me. I can't believe it's about manipulating God: if I have faith then I'll get more things I want. I guess it's more about wanting things to be okay in the end. My friend pastor Gail says, "Faith is trusting that the unknown will turn out to be loving." I guess that's what I'm shooting for.

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Any time I wanted/want to give up faith and be it for just a sec because of all the shit that is going on on this planet 🌎 🌍, one Scripture knocks at my heart:

John 6:68

But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.“

I couldn’t imagine no better words of comfort than those spoken by Jesus.


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Renate--I was actually thinking about the same verse. I couldn't remember the context of when Peter said it, so I looked it up. Storywise, it's after feeding the 5000, and it sounds like a lot of people were following him looking for free food. Which I guess makes some sense for people experiencing subsistence living? But Jesus made it clear he wasn't offering an easy road. But I hear Peter saying, "Nothing is better than what you're offering." It's hard for me not to hear that in the context of my conservative Christian upbringing, which mostly focused on not going to Hell. But now I think Peter must've recognized, for whatever reason, the power of Jesus' way of being here and now. It's always hopeful for me when I see people living that way, no matter their political or other persuasions.

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Bob, hi there,

Thank you for your comment.

Yes, I agree that it’s not easy to separate what Jesus said from our conservative, in my case, fundamental upbringing. But I made my peace with it. It was a long road to liberation. Here in Germany it led me back to the roots of Luther. Nadia’s sermons and writings helped me a great deal.

The above verse is definitely one of my favorites.

Jesus looks at me and says: Come my daughter, I will lift your burden, I came for you. I love you.

Those are words of eternity.

Blessings from far away Germany!


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Nadia, thanks for writing, “Fath functions in my life as something closer to gravity than ideology.” When I read that the following entered my mind: “Faith is more like gravy than mashed potatoes.” Who knows where my mind goes?

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There are times when I feel like God doesn't even know my name. And then I crawl out of my depression and worry just enough to realize that isn't true. So I'm getting better at realizing that when I'm not *feeling* God's presence it doesn't mean there's no faith in me or that God is far from me. It just means I'm feeling low. And I seriously don't have much energy in those times even to reframe my thinking. But I've definitely learned to just sit still with it and trust that I will feel hopeful again. And that’s faith.

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Today I haven’t read any of my devotionals, prayed, or read anything spiritual. Feeling defeated yet hopeful…somehow. I guess that’s just due to God’s handiwork. But I had a serious knee surgery in December after 2 others in the past year. I almost fell last Sunday, luckily I had the immobilizer on. My foot slipped on the snow; it went one way, my body went the other. By some miracle I didn’t fall. But I know it’s been reinjured. So the inertia is there. The PA had no real answers yesterday, told me I was fine and nothing really occurred—how invalidating. So yeah. Not feeling the spiritual/religious aspect. But🤷🏽‍♂️ seems like I still have faith based on your explanation and experience! Thank you for sharing❤️✝️🕊️🙏🏽

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I think it's hard to realize you actually have faith in a time when you're just not feeling particularly blessed. It's there, though.

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Absolutely. I have gratitude for so many things and am certainly blessed without a doubt. I think it’s more physical pain holding me in this state of inertia😔 but I’ll make a gratitude list and I’m sure having it written down will uplift me either way! Thank you for the reminder 🙏🏽 blessings to you 💞

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Nadia, I don’t know why, but I cried the entire time I was reading your post. Maybe because I’ve been feeling that my faith is very shaky lately. What you wrote makes me feel better, more accepted by Him.

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I don't know about you, but physical pain is one of those things that can mess with my sense of perspective. Good on you for turning your attention to gratitude in the midst of the crud. I will pray for your recovery in body and spirit. You are seen, you are remembered, and you matter.

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Thank you🙏🏽 I appreciate it. Prayers up for you too! 🕊️

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Turns out the fever I had of 103.1 which decreased to 101.something and continued throughout the day wasn’t helping either! Lol. Doing much better today! Thank you for your prayers!🕊️🙏🏽❤️✝️

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May you sense light, love, and healing flowing within you. May you sense light, love, and healing flowing throughout you. May you sense light and love flowing in and out around you.

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Thank you 🙏🏽

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Thank you, Nadia, for this lovely reminder that faith can look so different from day to day, and even moment to moment. This was like a big, warm hug today... and I really needed it! :)

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Just thanks for your honest, down-to-earth ways of expressing faith & relationship to the Divine, whatever that is. Especially today I thank you as I grieve my dear son-in-law who's dying of cancer at age 70 - a generous, sweet, well-loved & loving man that I will miss most dearly!

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Pastor Nadia - Please give us a heads up when you firm up your visit to Phoenix. Several of us in our Lutheran church here would like join you there.

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Being kind to people in my life that have radically different views than my own, and owning that we all belong to God; not just the people that I agree with.

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All beloved children of god, a la henri nouwen

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Reading this actually increased my faith a little and made me cry tonight. I really needed that. Thank you!

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When I look at the news (or let's face it , doom scroll) I get scared, worried, angry, sad and question if God is even paying attention. I am practicing making a habit of remembering two things. The size of a mustard seed and redirecting my focus. If I am correct, we only need enough faith that equals the size of a mustard seed. That I can handle. The second one is just asking myself what am I focusing on? God? Politicians? Something else? I trust God so I get out of bed, exercise, and go to work everyday. I trust God so I try to seek where I can serve God in someone's life whether a family member, a friend, or someone else in need. (By the way, I am way past the mustard seed size). I trust God so I go grocery shopping for my family. I trust God so I reach out to a friend I haven't heard from in a while, etc., etc. Thank you Nadia for helping me stay right sized and and just being human.

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I recently helped in a memorial for a priest (89) I loved his heart and facility with language. His homilies would rock my heart. One of my favorite homilies he gave was all about haranguing God about our needs for love not wanting to be lonely. The example he used was from a movie: “The Lonely Life of Judith Hearn”. In the movie, The great Maggie Smith as Judith Hearn was depicted in church alone, literally banging on the tabernacle asking God: Are you listening to me? Are you hearing me asking for someone to be with me walking in this life of mine. Fr. Mike taught in NY and lead young people in creating great theater. I appreciated him so and got to care for him in his last two years on this earth. He was a fiery believer who could communicate his ferocity in expressing his need of God’s compassion for the losses and pain in his life and family. At his memorial, there were people from around the country whom he had taught ( read: inspired ). Thank you Fr. Mike.


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I’m so glad there’s plenty of faith on the bottom shelf on the days when I need it down there. Thanks Nadia for always keeping it real.

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