I love the moth radio hour

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I’ve been on tour buses on windy, steep roads like that a couple times, and even with guardrails I literally stop almost all breathing, as if that will somehow save me (sympathetic nervous system’s fight or flight response kicking in, like prey in the wild). I just figured I was the rational one being afraid and everyone else who’s carefree about it must have no clue how fragile their lives are. Ha. Anyways, I love the spiritual depth to this story...especially as it relates to judging others. It’s so easy for me to judge others...most often strangers, which seems totally irrational considering how unknown they are to me. I love the idea in some discussions about Genesis about how judging is the original sin that causes our downfall...such a core human struggle. 🙏🏻

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This is very well done. I hope you keep the confessional going. You are helping me clarify in my heart what's true and what's important

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I LOVE this. So meta. Interviewing the you you were 6 years ago! WOW. I know it wasn't exactly an interview, but, still! This IS Awesome! I was so excited to wake up to this. I am in the midst of the practicalities of my second divorce and in the first week of ACOA while continuing my 17-year journey with AA/NA/SA/OA. WoW. When that Kenyan put her hand on your leg and you comforted her (yourself), I was right there with you/her. When you huddled on the concrete and Sharon put her hand on you and made sure you didn't have to get back on the bus, I was the bus/road/concrete/Sharon/you/your tattoos/tears. I'm reading this book - Accompanying the Dying by Deanna Cochran, RN. My best friend of almost 30 years is having surgery Monday to have his necrotic right kidney and an encompassing tumor twice the size of the kidney that was only found two maybe 3 weeks ago excised. I cannot be in control or pretend to be. I have to make room to feel and practice my boundaries around decisions his adult daughters make even when they aren't the ones I would make; even when they aren't the ones he would make left to his own devices but is making to please his daughters (maybe altruism within a family isn't ALWAYS co-dependence just because that's been my pattern and is part of the reason I'm in my second divorce). Anyway, thanks for inviting me into this corner.

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