I walk nearly every day. And on the walk, I pass a really impressive cedar tree. I bless it saying "drink in this (grey, cold, December) day and grow straight, grow tall, grow strong.". The three adjectives change with the weather and season. I don't know where this came from, it just popped into my head after I met this tree. It is a Calocedrus Decurrens (incense cedar, they used to cut them down to make pencils) and it does a super job of praising God!

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Do you think the tree is in need of a blessing by You? Have You ever thought of receiving a blessing from a tree? I am convinced trees might need our help in terms of protecting them from harm, but I never had the impression of them needing a blessing - to the contrary...

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Oh, it bleses me as well. But I think it needs a blessing (and an apology!) from humans. It is very near a major street, and when telephone lines were put in decades ago, branches were lopped off on one side for about a third of its height, so it is a bit lop-sided.

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Oh I understand. Also the mighty trees need blessings even though they might not look like it on first glance. Tell her hello!

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but you might be right. I had some flowers at least in my house that needed good talking and words. The tree though is such a mighty being. Also elephants I would suppose would be great to bless humans - did you know that for elephants we are like cute little mice or rabbits that they cheer about similar as we do to kittens. I would love to get cuddled by an elephant (gently). I think I would feel blessed.

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This is lovely. <3

One thing I've always struggled with is the image of heaven, where we're supposed to be praising God, eternally forever. Like, do we not sleep? Can we not catch the new Shakespeare play? Is there no pizza break? Is it all just going to be standing and singing the same old worship songs and bowing and scraping until the end of time?

This makes me feel quite a bit better about that.

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I really hope there is theater in heaven :) Broadway shows, every night...

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Yes! Amen to that.

I remember when I was young, readying a Sylvia Browne book (before learning about all of her problematic practices) about what heaven was like, and one thing that stood out to me, she mentioned specifically that Rodgers and Hammerstein were still writing new musicals. I hope that much is true.

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This answers why I cringe when people deflect acknowledgement and announce “It was God,all God!” I see God wishing we would just acknowledge who we are and what we accomplish because He created us. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else but reading this blog sure gave me an answer. 🥰🥰

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What an udder-ly delightful sermon, Nadia.

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My hope: even when my intense anxiety and bipolar disorder turn me into a raving banshee (there is a better 5-letter word for this but I don't want to offend anyone here) I am still praising God. I am being me with these diagnoses that I cannot escape and hardly manage. I have never been as steadfast and peaceful as a majestic, old tree. I have never had the beauty or grace of a bird in flight. Instead, I doubt and curse and cry. I only hope that you are right, Nadia, and that since I have faith that God is the only way, even in my darkest moments of despair, my praise is worthy of being heard. If not, maybe I can negotiate and come back next time as a creeping creature or a cow... Thank you for this beautiful piece that was very much needed by me in this time!

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I had understood that being creative like the Creator is, or being loving, in the same way that the Creator shows love - that those were acts of praise. But just BEING is an act of praise? Just being the best version of all the weird combination of DNA that makes me who I am is an act of praise? Just being myself Is an acknowledgement of the Creator's magnificence? Mind blown...

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Nadia, I pretty much always love what you have to say but this, today, wow. Thank you so much. I needed this.

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Love this--your invitation to relax goes nicely with my recent resolution to practice under-thinking, having done the opposite for most of my life.

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That might be my new way….underthinking! I love that!

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I am pretty analytical…thanks for creatively naming a skill I am working on: Underthinking

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I love your "under-thinking"!

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Beautiful. I’m gonna go kiss my dog right now.

Praise God all Creatures here below:)

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This is SO good! I know of a few worship bands that sound like Holsteins. Lord, help!! 😁🎶

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You are so crazy good at this.

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Love this! It makes me think about my place on this planet - which is out of my control but also collectively within our ability to affect balance!! Thank you for your insights. Alleluia and Amen!

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Your Psalm 148 meditation hits me squarely in the soul. I engage in somatic grounding through sensory embodiment. For me, it is decompression and sanity and worship. By being more deeply in touch with myself, I experience God vividly. The indwelling Christ, through my body, is teaching me how to be who God created me to be and to do what God created me to do, one breath at a time.

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"To praise God then is to live fully into the dignity of being God’s children. Perhaps to praise God is to simply look to nothing and no one else to know who we are.

Because your being is - in itself - in praise of the one who created you.

So let’s all just try less hard."

Trying less hard sounds good to me! What U.S. society values - wealth, power, surface beauty, conformity, etc. - is quite different than what God values, as least as far as I can tell.

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Several years ago, I wrote my own version of all the psalms. I think my take on Psalm 148 echoes your thoughts of we praise God by being – by being ourselves, just as we are, divinely loving and lovable. Here’s a link to my version: https://vabutsy.com/2018/04/14/psalm-148/

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Nadia, I love your idea that simply being ourselves can be praise to God, for the definitions of praise and God's blessings in my life have been far too narrow. I grew up watching the 700 Club. God blessed people, and their shitty lives became amazing after they donated money to Pat Robertson.

I've always struggled with this idea of praising God for pain. My heart doesn't resonate with gratefulness for what sought to destroy me even if who I became after is stronger, more powerful, and more confident. My identity and my own inner strength helped me survive. Even now as I heal, I'm finding the freedom to just be.

I feel there is judgement wrapped up in the idea of praise. Often, in Bible studies I've been in, questions come up like, "How are you sinning? How are you fucking up and stopping God from blessing you? Where are you messing up and hindering God?" (Yes, I'm paraphrasing).

I'm not claiming that I'm perfect, but how am I supposed to praise God through just being me if I'm constantly being asked to evaluate how shitty I am?

I find your words encouraging, this idea of praising through being me, because they center me within the truth that I do not have to view myself as worthless scum in order to be grateful for how God has dwelled within my life and being. Thank you.

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