Dear God,
This week is a doozey.
If anxiety produced a sound, it would be deafening right now.
Open my ears to the sounds I need most: the wild geese overhead, Aretha Franklin’s Amazing Grace (1972); the sound of my friend on the other end of the phone; the sugar-high laughter of children who need us to dial down the doom.
If fear could be seen, it would be obscuring everything else.
Open my eyes to the sights that I need most: my puppy underfoot with a toy in her mouth, ready to play; the brightening of my neighbor’s eyes under their mask when I pass them in the stairwell; that sidewalk covered in an oak tree’s fallen leaves like nature’s confetti.
If sorrow could be tasted, the bitterness would overcome me.
Open my mouth to the sweetness I need: words of kindness; deep, unhurried kisses; and absolutely as much Ben and Jerry’s as I deem necessary.
Help me remember that you are in the other side of Tuesday, no matter what.
I know I’m gonna need help keeping it together on election day, so join me at the top of each hour for some spiritual Xanax.
I’ve asked some friends to join me on Election Day to help me keep it together. Tune in to my Instagram live at the top of each hour for 3-10 minutes of prayer, meditation, song, readings etc to help us get through the day. If you miss it, I will post the videos on my IGTV.

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I’ve decided to do 30 Days of Gratitude this month as a reminder of what I have that is good (as I try not to freak out within). Today, it is waking and drawing breath - especially in a year where so many have literally died from not being able to breathe. Where “I can’t breathe” made us stop and realize how unjust our society is.
O Creator, Sustainer, Deliverer, Most High, I confess I have allowed hurt, fear, and anger too much power.
I return to the beginnings of faith you instilled in me. I await the Holy Spirit, who much like the natural wind blowing gentle or blowing strong and over time it shapes the mountains and the earth, I await and yield to the wind of your Holy Spirit to shape me.
For my hope is not in earthly things, my hope is in the One who calls and unites us for his purposes.
I ask for your truth tellers to be renewed and strengthened as they challenge culture, deception and lies.
I ask for your healing for “H”in hospital with covid and for “Q” in hospital with psychosis. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Amen