I’ve decided to do 30 Days of Gratitude this month as a reminder of what I have that is good (as I try not to freak out within). Today, it is waking and drawing breath - especially in a year where so many have literally died from not being able to breathe. Where “I can’t breathe” made us stop and realize how unjust our society is.

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Hey, thanks. I need to do this. I totally need a paradigm shift. Thanks.

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O Creator, Sustainer, Deliverer, Most High, I confess I have allowed hurt, fear, and anger too much power.

I return to the beginnings of faith you instilled in me. I await the Holy Spirit, who much like the natural wind blowing gentle or blowing strong and over time it shapes the mountains and the earth, I await and yield to the wind of your Holy Spirit to shape me.

For my hope is not in earthly things, my hope is in the One who calls and unites us for his purposes.

I ask for your truth tellers to be renewed and strengthened as they challenge culture, deception and lies.

I ask for your healing for “H”in hospital with covid and for “Q” in hospital with psychosis. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Amen

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I’m feeling a bit like one of God’s children banished to Babylon. I’m praying the exile is about to end; that the new guy will let us come home. Lord in your mercy, deliver us

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Exile is a word resonating with me. Lord in your metcy, deliver us

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I need the grace to see the forest instead of just the trees; the background instead of just the foreground. November colors around here: purple, amber, gold, brown, evergreen, the understory still green with ferns.

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Thank you for the animals in my life, God. When all else fails, and it sometimes feels like it does, the kitten grabs onto the Great Pyrenees' tail and gets a ride down the hall. Thank you for giving this to me, the sideways glances at silliness and joy. Bring it on. I need it. Amen

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This prayer showed up in my email right after The Corners message. Seemed like it was meant to post here...


It has never been more clear than now that our democracy is precious and sacred. The following is a prayer for the coming days written by Rabbi Jonathan Kligler:

May we each exercise our right and responsibility to vote in this year’s election, as voting is the sacred duty of all citizens in a democratic nation.

May we find within ourselves a calm center, a refuge from the unrelenting anxiety and anger that storms around us.

May we treat everyone we encounter with graciousness and care, even when we disagree. May we do our best to banish contempt, for even as contempt demeans others, it also poisons our own hearts.

May we stand up boldly for our principles.

And may we remember and embody the words of President Abraham Lincoln as he closed his first inaugural address to a nation on the brink of civil war:

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory…will yet swell…when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

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This morning I did my second volunteer shift of the week, supporting folks on line for early voting- answering questions, holding their spot if they needed a coffee or bathroom break, thanking them for voting. A nearly blind, 100-year old woman got on line to vote. Just to add my prayers to yours... Dear God, Please help us all to be so long-lived, so mobile, and so determined. Amen.

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Thanks for the idea of spiritual Xanex. Please continue to pray for the incarcerated, especially the women of MCIW in Maryland. Also, pray that people get out there and vote - no matter their choice. And for a week with no public violence. I will be under the bed if anyone wants to join me there.

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Giggle- i would join you —but i am staying put under my own bed.

On a serious note, I join you in praying for all who are incarcerated. I pray for the friends and family that are left behind. God have mercy.

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I could use prayer for my father and my family in general. My Dad decided to fly from Seattle to DC with his friend for the week. He's a 65 year old Republican dumb ass who likes doing reckless things. I'm scared he could get sick or even die. Meanwhile my mother (a loud democrat), my brother, little sister and brother in law are all dependent on his income. Please pray he doesn't get sick even if it only confirms his bias that he can't get sick as a Christian. Thanks in advance!

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On November 4, our homeless shelter moves into a new building - plenty of room, on the bus line, close to downtown. We'll get a much quicker response if we have to call emergency services. Hopefully, it'll be warmer than the place we've been.

Whoever wins the election, we'll be able to take care of our people. Lord, have mercy.

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Our prayers come to you from Australia this Tuesday. May there be a clear cut, peaceful and God directed outcome, and some focus back on caring for your people. Blessings

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A prayer for those incarcerated, those in hospitals, those conserved, those in treatment centers, those alone in the crowd; lord, give us strength.

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Thank you.

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Thank You and blessings to us all........

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I will gladly listen we bury our Dad on Thursday so your words will mean more than ever thanks Nadia n all who try to make our world better by offering of themselves in earnest n honest ways

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"so much is happening in this old wicked world,

every time you pick up the paper, listen to the news,

I know people need to pray more than what they do,

I pray most nite and day.

Lord have mercy on my dying soul"

Robert Pete Williams, bluesman, @1958

(I was 2. SOS at 64).

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