In light of Domestic Violence Awareness, a prayer for survivors who were able to leave; a prayer for those who are unable to leave and a prayer for those who didn’t make it out.

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How beautifully put Dianna, ive been a victim, supported others during and been sad to loose people through domestic violence, but never read it so sensitively and full of love. Thankyou

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Thank you.

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Prayer to know which alligator is closest to the boat. Prayer to overcome the fight, flight, or freeze of the to-do list of everyday life. Prayer to engage with my beautiful son even when the list and the alligators fight to occupy all of me.

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Elise, a very sincere prayer for you and your beautiful son - for believing that you are not alone, and for your network to see how hard you work! I see you!

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Thank you

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Prayers for the restorative justice kind of healing in my family. That my mom can grapple with my confronting her in her complicity in my dad abusing me. God, I know it’s a selfish prayer but I love my mom and don’t want her bad response to be the end of this story. Please heal my heart enough so I can continue doing the work you called me to do (and just have enough energy to care for myself) and give me grace and patience with my mom.

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Meredith.....please continue, with and by the strength of the God of truth and mercy, to speak your truth to your mom......even if your voice shakes. As one who does, you do not want to live with the anger and the question of the authenticity of your mom’s love.

Warrior on Sister.......

Lord HEAR our prayers.

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Thank you, Lori - I'm doing my best to keep speaking my truth even when it would be easier to back off/stay quiet. This gave me extra peace/confidence to do that.

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I pray for peace for you, and for a settled knowledge that God is working through the words you spoke to your mother . . . and continued confidence to know your words --and your courage-- are enough.

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Thank you, Julie. I certainly could use the sense of peace. I'm grateful for your words

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Meredith, for you, your family, and your calling. You have touched my heart.

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Dick, this touched MY heart. Thank you, sincerely

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I grew up in the Catholic church saying The Lord's Prayer while holding my mother's hand. In that moment I always knew she loved me.

I love your additions and examples of how to pray the Lord's prayer without using the formal wording. I spend time in the morning having conversations, out loud so my weenie dogs can hear, of the things I said or did yesterday that need repair today. I journal about the day that has been and what the day ahead will bring, asking for help and guidance. I sing loudly to my music that brings me happiness and joy. I have tears of sadness, sorrow and anger when I watch the news in the evening. Feelings of compassion and empathy for all that are suffering. Knowing that my tears and feelings do not go unnoticed to the Spirit.

My prayers are with me all day long, they may look different and sound different, yet they are sincere!

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A prayer of thanksgiving for Nadia’s rendition of the Lord’s Prayer that brought both chuckles and tears!

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I begin all my prayers "Our Father in heaven, Mother of cardinal, oak and sky, Great Spirit of winds and prairie grasses....." My minister brother-in-law never allows me to give a holiday prayer. LOL.

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I am always looking for an out from those holiday prayers, maybe I'll give this a try.

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This made me smile 😊

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Praying for my baby grandson's feeding problems to resolve, for my house to hold together until I can afford the repairs that need to be done, and for the 545 children who are apart from their parents. Lord have mercy on us.

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God, I lift up Nadia’s prayer as one from my own heart. I also add that you deliver me of my jealousy, my selfishness, and my resistance to the changes you are trying to make in my heart. Forgive me for holding onto this depression as a faithful friend and the anger that accompanies it. Guide me into your way and as I claim to follow Jesus, forgive me for separating myself from Him while throwing the words He spoke at others like stones. I give my heart to you, broken, tattered, and disgusting, with absolutely no redemptive quality other than it was made by you. Thank you for holding it gently and lovingly anyway. Amen.

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THAT is exactly the thing He wants most; your heart, no matter how beat up it is.. good words, Samantha.

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I felt that you wrote my mind with these words, thank you Samantha.

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My heart is heavy for the mentally ill. Bless the doctors who treat them, the insurers who provide coverage and help all gain access to the help that is enjoyed by the privileged few.

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"Deliver us from a complete lack of imagination about where you are in our lives and how you might already be showing up."....Thank you, Nadia, for all of it, every little bit of it that I could just pray and not add anything, because I'm tired and thank you God for knowing already that I'm about at the end of my hope rope.

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yes. I always seem to be a day late seeing the opportunities for what they are. My butt is sore from kicking myself

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Praying for heaviness to be lifted ... Praying for ends to be met ... Praying for health to return ... Praying for mental health to stabilize ... Praying for broken hearts to be mended ...

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Darla, your prayers are exactly my prayers......thank you.

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Prayers that we practice charity and work for true justice.

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Prayers for Brent, who took a bad fall and needs multiple types of healing.

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Praying so hard this morning that God will help all of us - ordinary folk and political leaders - wise up to what we need to control this pandemic because it doesn't have to be this way. And it is this bad because we are not practicing what Jesus preached. And if we can turn this corner and keep more of us alive then please let us use that strength to keep going to root out all the ways we harm one another. It hurts so very badly to see the pain we bring on our brothers and sisters and ourselves. And personally, I ask for your help in keeping myself open to this pain but still functional so that I can be a heart and hand in making things better because I'm not doing a very good job on my own.

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Amen! I'm also praying that my children will come to understand that the love of their Father in heaven is safe, unlike the supposed love their father/pastor on earth proclaimed while emotionally manipulating and abusing us. I pray they see how our heavenly Father blessed us so much by delivering us back to the home of our hearts. And, I'm fervently praying for respite for all from the wildfires. I'm praising Him for bringing the snow and asking him to make it enough to end the fires.

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Heavenly Father, You taught us to pray in the present tense. You told us that Your Kingdom was among us. Save us from looking to the future. Help us to see Your goodness in the land of the living. Lord, have mercy.

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