This: "The older I get, the more I realize how blurry the line is between the two, how often there are mitigating factors to our own complicity, and how we are at times complicit in complicated systems we didn’t actually create." I have spent the last 3 years complicit in an unhealthy, toxic, abusive relationship. I finally hit a wall this past weekend, well, more literally my kitchen table and floor when he pushed me that it finally was enough. It took the physical pain to break free, even though the emotional pain has been apparent for so long. I don't want to be angry any more, at myself and at him and at the myriad of circumstances that allowed me to be complicit. I want forgiveness. I want joy. I want mercy.

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Another great episode! You made a comment during the interview that got me thinking. You said something like: "Most of those who share on your podcast are relating stories from when they were 18 to 28." For the reasons you laid out, this makes sense. What this made me think of, though, was the following: I think there are quite a few folks, like me, who are in their 50s and 60s who look back on not just one or two signature fuck ups, but a lifetime of promoting a toxic brand of faith that has had far-reaching ramifications for many, most especially those close to us.

Happily, I've had good guides (Rohr, Enns, RHE, you, etc.) who have led me to shed the guilt and shit resulting from my actions, but I'm sure there are many like me who have not been so fortunate, and who could relate to my experience.

I'm sure there are some famous ex-evangelicals who are a bit older than, say, Josh Harris (spot on episode!) who would be great guests. Maybe Enns or Byas would reciprocate your visit to their podcast? Just a thought...

Thanks again for the place you are carving out in the Church for folks like us. Grace and peace.

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PS - It occurs to me that Byas is pretty young, in the Harris demographic. Enns, though, is of an age and experience that people like me can relate to.

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