I don't know why, but I enjoyed the Freudian spelling slip of "scared texts" instead of "sacred texts". I found this sermon/essay very helpful.

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I thought the same thing. I spent a few moments with that to see if there was something there, you know, just in case.

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At first reading, I blamed this on 'spelchek'. Then, I stopped and re-read it several times, replacing 'scared' with 'sacred' over and over. Nadia: you're a speaker whose tongue has touched millions in many places. Did you intend this misprint, or did it just occur, and why not intend it to be seen/heard in two differing ways? Thanks for the early morning challenge. (and, yes, for the remainder of this very important and powerful message)

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it was a typo! (I'm not the most careful copy editor ~!

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Thanks for the clarification! I read it as "scared" and when right on reading thinking that's what you meant. I mean, I'm scared. I thought maybe you were refering to the whole scary news cycle.

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Wow wow wow! Thank you! I normally read you but today I took the time to listen and I’m so glad I did. To read your real words of encouragement and Jesus as he talks to his guys is just so helpful to me right now. “Hope that has been smoothed by my tears….” I love that. It’s not toxic positivity but it’s rooted in realism and yet takes us beyond. Thank you for all your work Nadia. It is sooooo needed. And yes kissing fat babies is what I’ve been doing a lot of lately. It somehow makes me feel hope.

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“Because these things may rock your world, but they cannot harm your soul.  These things may bring suffering but they need not bring hopelessness.” I need this framed! This quote and the reminder that we are indeed part of a larger story caused something to settle inside of me.

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Good morning, Nadia. This essay reminded me again of Rainer Maria Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet" -- #7, if I recall -- in which he writes that we feel uneasy because "we are standing in a place in which we cannot remain standing." There's tons more before and after that little snippet, but the gist of it is that we will one day see the (presumably beneficial) result from the present upheaval. Ultimately, Rilke is writing about learning to trust that times of unrest are when the seeds of change are growing.

Honestly, I didn't sleep well and I'm dealing with some pain in my left shoulder so I'm not *feeling* particularly engaged in any of this at the moment, but I believe it, so that's enough. I'll finish my coffee, pet the dogs, take my meds, and start working as usual.

"The problems of the world are not in my department." --Rick Blaine (Casablanca)

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Petting my dog really is the only thing that helps me at the moment.

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I completely understand! Our pets are so much in the present moment that they can be serene in the midst of the crazy! They are an oasis.

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"...we feel uneasy because 'we are standing in a place in which we cannot remain standing.'"

That's gorgeous, thank you for sharing it.

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If you like, I will try to find the full text. The sentences are long but he doesn't meander; it's more like he's continuing to develop the thought. If you look up Rilke's letters on line, my favorite is the M. Herder Norton edition.

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I found the excerpt here, and I'm glad I did. So good. Thank you for offering to do the legwork! https://www.awakin.org/v2/read/view.php?tid=957

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I think you could read this piece and use Jon Batiste's song "We Are" as the altar call.

I mean, I don't want to assume who Mr. Batiste's "We" is/are, but I think it's okay to connect Nadia's people of the story to this song.

These days, I'm just often struck by really how much better most people are than the people the various negative forces and energies are trying to make us. I wish we could start over without all the crap being thrown at us, with the collective wisdom to recognize it as crap. I guess it would be sort of like being, oh, you know... born again...into a kingdom of God's making.

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So deeply theologically brilliant. Again.

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I especially loved your suggestion of “finding a fat baby to hold.” That’s the best way to get rid of stress! ☺️

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“When I took my canonical examinations in Arkansas in 1960 in order to be ordained deacon, Bishop R. R. Brown had a favorite question he asked of every seminarian. If your church burned down, what would be the first thing you would do?

“The answer he wanted was, ‘I would take up an offering for mission.’

“I believe he was attempting to teach us that there are no circumstances, however destructive, that give us license to give up our calling as disciples to be faithful. We are not in control; we are sometimes humbled by events, but that does not change our calling to proclaim Christ and Him crucified.

“In a time characterized by the words ‘Crisis, Crisis Everywhere,’ what is God calling us to do?

"My answer to that is full steam ahead.

"As Bishop Brown would say, ‘Take up an offering for mission.’ I don’t believe that circumstances, whatever they are, change the shape of discipleship to which we are called. That does not mean that we are unaware of the dangerous time in which we live both in the church and the world, but that doesn’t change what the Gospel demands.”

–The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr, Address to the 213th Convention. March 7-8, 2003

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THIS! Nadia, you’ve articulated what has been trying to organize itself in my brain and heart lately! Thank you.

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Thank you! Yesterday I listened to a pastor speak to those who were in despair, losing hope or downcast about the events of the weekend. I almost stopped and exclaimed, "That's not me!" Your words today made the "why" of that clear. Though not part of the Denver Women's prison ministry, I just completely agree. If I may, I'll offer an addition to the words-do not be afraid. Be of good courage. For this is what you are, Nadia. thank you!

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Love love love this essay, Nadia.

Just to be sure, sacred text, not sacred text, right? Seemed like an ironic slip cause sometimes parts of the Bible ARE scary to me.

I so appreciate your insight. Shows up at just the right moment. It’s got to be the Holy Spirit at work!

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Hit my heart and to be honest, my massive anxiety like a slap to the face! A good slap, a gentle, friendly, hey Vickie snap out of it slap. I wander from God a lot. Or feel I do. It’s beautiful to be reminded of our ancient anchors, our constants, our breath. Thank you Nadia🩷☮️

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Thank you for this lovely and timely reminder and word of encouragement. You bless me more than you know. 💗

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Thank you for restoring homeostasis to cells quivering and raggedy lo these many years.....you are inspired, hence you inspire and give hope when it's hard to find let alone convey. Linda 🐝

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Thank you for sharing your anxiety and the message of where the HOPE really is for us. God bless you Nadia

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2nd comment-these thoughts were simmering while I commented the 1st time, so I went back to re-read yours. These words "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: all this is but the beginning of the birth pangs.” "Beginning of the birth pangs" indicate that the future is coming back into time to bring us forward. It's easy to forget "see to it that you are not alarmed" part, isn't it? But if we are alarmed, feeling alarmed is part of our condition and being alarmed is quite different than the feeling. This is a precious post. I'll be sure to use the word wobbly from now on. Blessings!

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